About Us

Managed by Rite of Passage

Mt. Lassen Treatment Center

Mt. Lassen Treatment Center is an Integrated Care Model Program that utilizes evidence-based modalities to provide trauma responsive services to to youth.

In order to deliver the most effective trauma-responsive program, Mt. Lassen Treatment Center utilizes evidence-based interventions including a strengths-based approach, positive child development, social learning theory, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and other trauma-responsive approaches. 


Foundation of Safety

When a youth is first referred to our program, the Treatment Team Committee works to identify interventions that will be most effective to provide the youth with a foundation of physical, psychological and emotional safety when they arrive to the program. Establishing safety is accomplished through caring relationships fostered between staff and youth.

Understanding Needs & Strengths

We use nationally-recognized, evidence-based intake assessments to develop an Assessment Summary that evaluates each youth’s individual strengths, specific needs, and pressing vulnerabilities. This information is used to develop the individual treatment plan, which will prescribe targeted services and interventions to address the youth’s unique risks and needs.

Goal Attainment

Once treatment goals are met, new goals are established and the process of positive change is moved forward. We positively reinforce goal attainment by celebrating every youth success.

Transition & Aftercare

Each youth’s Transition Plan is individually prescribed to support him in leading a productive and successful life upon returning to the community. To access services and community supports, Mt. Lassen staff assist with logistics (e.g., transportation, phone calls, and scheduling) while teaching self-sufficiency, self-advocacy and assisting youth and families with:

Education – contacting school district, trade school or college to provide transfer of credits, college preparation, and financial aid application assistance.

Family/relational supports – transitioning to community family therapist, peer support groups and other positive adult supports.

Employment needs –  creating resumes, conducting job searches, and conducting mock interviews.

Mental health/substance abuse – registering with community mental health centers, providing documentation and medication follow-up, and outpatient programs.

Recreational activities – locating gyms, local recreation centers, and transferring recreational activities learned at Sierra Ridge into their home communities.

Spiritual/cultural support system – locating churches, clubs and cultural events/activities.

Medical needs – connecting with outpatient medical services for continued health/wellness.